For many more Lenten resources have a look at the dedicated page on the Caritas Diocese of Brentwood website:

Holy Week and Easter
All are welcome to our Holy Week Masses
Holy Week and Easter BookletDownload
Holy Thursday
Thursday 28th March *7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Followed by watching at the Altar of Repose until 10.00pm
Good Friday
Friday 29th March 10am Discovering Holy Week for primary school age children
11am Prayer with town centre churches, Market Place
*3pm Service of the Passion of the Lord
7pm – 8pm Church open for private prayer by the cross
Easter Weekend
Saturday 30th March 7.30pm-10pm Easter Vigil, with music led by the choir
Sunday 31st March 8am Dawn Mass for Easter – quiet, joyful and prayerful
*9.30am Family Mass, with music led by young adults
11.30am Mass with music led by the choir
*Livestream: Holy Thursday 7pm, Good Friday 3pm and Easter Sunday 9.30am. Click here for the Livestream.