
If someone is in immediate danger, if there is any threat to life, or if there is a Safeguarding emergency where the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult is at risk, please call the police on 999.

For safeguarding emergencies there are named Parish Safeguarding Representatives, and a dedicated section on this website: https://stedwards-romford.org.uk/safeguarding/

If you need a Catholic Priest in an emergency, or other emergency support, we will do all that we can to be there for you.

If you are looking at this page because you know someone is becoming ill, and you are worried it may become serious, please seek appropriate medical support, and please also call Fr Dominic at this time. The Anointing of the Sick can be given whenever someone is seriously ill, and this can avoid stress or rush if the illness suddenly takes a turn for the worse.

If you are looking at this page because you need some emergency food, or other pastoral help, please call the parish on 01708740308, or email romford@brcdt.org. We will reply to calls or emails usually within a couple of hours. If you do not hear back, and your need is extremely urgent then other local churches will also help, such as the Salvation Army https://www.salvationarmy.org.uk/romford or Romford Baptist Church https://romfordbaptist.org.uk/

If a friend or relative is dying in hospital please ask the nurse to page the on-call Catholic chaplain, and a local priest will come to the hospital as soon as possible and almost always within 30-40 minutes.

If a friend or relative is dying at home, or in a care home in the parish please call the presbytery (01708740308); if there is no answer then please call a local parish, in the order given below, and a local priest will help you.

If someone is ill at home, then Fr Dominic will readily come and pray with them, and anoint them. Please leave a message on the parish answerphone and we will usually get back to you within a couple of hours.

If you cannot get hold of Fr Dominic, and the need is serious please call:

Fr Philip Denton at Corpus Christi, Collier Row – 01708749050

Fr Maurice Gordon at St Alban’s, Elm Park – 01708451449

Fr Joseph Tan at Holy Redeemer, Harold Wood / St Dominic’s, Harold Hill – 01708343492